Job offers at Fiatrans

We currently have no active job offers. However, please send us your CV so that we can take it into account in future selection processes.

Are you a self-employed haulier with a tractor unit? We will rent you the semi-trailer

We provide a semi-trailer rental service for self-employed drivers who are interested in working for Fiatrans. If you are interested, contact us here


Upload your CV here

Apply here for one of our available job offers or send us your CV if you have not found a job offer that fits your profile but you want to be considered for future selection processes.

Responsible: FIATRANS SL
Purpose: Manage the vacancies and selection processes of the entity
Legitimation: by consent of the interested party
Conservation period: 6 months
Recipients: Data will not be transferred to third parties, except for legal obligation
Rights: You have the right of access, rectification or deletion, opposition, limitation of processing, data portability, as well as to withdraw consent at any time

A company in constant growth

At Fiatrans we are constantly evolving and looking for hauliers to help us meet the transport needs of our customers, prioritising quality and professionalism in all areas of our work.

External partners

We have always used self-employed hauliers; this helps us to meet the needs of our customers while expanding our coverage of the territory with new routes. All the loads are insured by Fiatrans and we always build long-term relationships with our partners.

Work-life balance

We work to ensure that our team of drivers has a healthy work-life balance, and they are typically only away for 2 or 3 nights a week, which is not the case with some of our competitors.

A united and consolidated team

Our staff turnover rate is low because since the beginning we have been working to build solid relationships with Fiatrans employees. We are a family business and we build relationships based on trust, stability and security in order to create long-lasting bonds.

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